Sound natural resource management preserves lives and livelihoods. The Conservation and Environmental Protection Authority (CEPA) has gathered a collection of guidelines, templates and checklists to assist in the management of protected areas.

In 2022, there were 61 formally gazetted protected areas in PNG totaling just over 2.2 million ha (4.8 percent of the land area), well below the agreed 17 percent for terrestrial protected areas as stated in the CBD Aichi targets and the PNG Policy on Protected Areas.

Since 2010, four protected areas have been gazetted, and one has been substantially expanded. Priority areas for future reservations have been identified.

As the time required to create new protected areas is significant, it is important to ensure the planning process matches policy guidelines and regulations. This includes developing effective management plans for the protected area.

Access guidelines, templates, and an Adaptive Management Training Course in this page on PA Planning Support.



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Background to conservation standards

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Pre-planning, scope and vision

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Targets, health, goals

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Situation analysis

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Strategies and strategy evaluation

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Results chains

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Implementation monitoring and work plan

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Statements of Management Intent

Statements of Management Intent help form the basis of management plans for protected areas.

In 2020, Statements of Management Intent (SMI) were completed for 46 protected areas. CEPA staff were trained on the process, including the transformation to management plans. The SMIs for each protected area are currently being finalized.

This final report details the process and outcomes of the reclassification and SMIs for existing protected areas in PNG.